Andy's SIX Cornerstones of Apprenticeship Improvement
"For all apprentices, trainers carefully consider their job role and what they already know and can do, to plan coherent and individualised sequences of learning for the duration of the apprenticeship, that enable apprentices to develop substantial new knowledge, skills and behaviours in a logical and progressive way towards end point."
"For all apprentices, prior to training commencing and throughout the apprenticeship, their line manager (and mentor) full contribute to planning and agreeing when, where and how off-the-job training will to place, so that apprentices can swiftly develop, practice and master new knowledge, skills and behaviours in the workplace."
"For all apprentices, leaders and managers have clear oversight of the volume of off-the-job training hours undertaken each month (planned and actual). Apprentices receive their minimum entitlement and their is clear evidence that all hours are directly relevant to the apprenticeship, so that funding is not at risk of clawback."
"Leaders and managers accurately identify when apprentices do not make the progress expected of them each month, put effective remedial plans in place to ensure that they catch up swiftly and are assured that all apprentices are on target to complete their practical training by their planned end date."
"All apprentices and line managers attend planned reviews every 8-to-12-weeks, are fully aware of the progress against the agreed plan in all aspects of the apprenticeship, including mandatory qualifications, functional skills, volume of off-the-job training and what knowledge, skills and behaviours still need to be developed prior to gateway point."
"All apprentices and their managers understand the end point assessment process and a variety of assessments are systematically built-in over the course of the apprenticeship, including mock EPA activities, so that apprentices can practice and receive feedback on precisely how to improve their work and achieve merit and distinction grades."